Joy and pain. Purpose and grief. Hope and loss. It's how we ride these waves that determines our legacy.
What is left? When this mortal shell has failed us...what is the impact? We don't ask the question in a self-serving way... "how will my absence be grieved?"; but we ask it in the only way that matters..."what legacy will I leave and how will it inspire others?"
This tender life is one of balanced experiences. Joy and pain. Purpose and grief. Hope and loss. It's how we ride these waves that determines our legacy.
Can we BE greater? Can we LOVE deeper? Can we SERVE each other more completely? Hear me when I say, Yes. The answer is always, yes.
This Look Book is the result of a team of thoughtful and dedicated people who
gave of their talent, creativity & love to make Steph’s legacy come to life.
Creative Directors: Ro Wrozek, Bree Wrozek, Brandon Paxton
Photography: Noelle Ann | Noelle Ann Photography
Model: Erin Clausen | Toledo Revival
Model: Rami Sebai
Production Assistant: Tiff Garno | Amore Coffee Co.